

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

It's Been A Long Time

My first morning after the flight in from London, and I was greeted with a 15 minute snowshower. Apparently, the weather in Scotland these few days were so cold that football matches are being called off because of frozen pitches, and construction work at the university library are temporarily suspended due to adverse weather conditions.

Omg right? It's been under 4 degrees for the past few days it feels so comfy to just stay cuddled up in bed. Hibernation!

Meeting up with pals again feels good, and it's back to normalism once again! (I don't think that's a real word, but whatever my vocab sucks anyway). I'm still at a loss of what to eat for snacks in the afternoon or late at night. Need a burger.. I need a burger so much right now.

Thank god for portable computers and modern entertainment systems, I can't imagine what I would do if I didn't have all these. Anyway that's for today. I'm gonna go pop the pizza into the oven now.

Oh by the way, been to slowcatchupkuan's blog today and well, has anyone seen this dog?

1 people said this sucked:


Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:01:00 am

benevolent, uhm i have no idea. it's like that when the pup came into my house...