

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets


Snow is forecast across many parts of Wales, the Midlands and central southern England today causing more problems for travellers.

Met Office forecasters are particularly concerned for Wales and the West Midlands, where 5-10 cm of snow can be expected widely today, with the worst affected areas seeing a further 20-30 cm of snow.


2nd day of snowing!! That is WiCKeD!!

Snow is just so nice to see, especially when the skies and the ground all sync into one common colour. Even more fun is the fights. Yesterday, from morning till late at night.. my room got snowballed, I ate some, got some in my ears, got lots inside my shirt, best of all, got to hit other people with it! The most funny thing was at night when the whole group of boys (JJ,Justin,Shaun,WeiPhin, David, Jeremy, Nick, Roy,me) went to Paul House and nuked the girls, and then got into a snowball skirmish with some other people and then lobbed lots of snowballs into Jonathan's room, Phin's room, Aruna's room.. walao.. so funny.

What's great about snow is that it unites people no matter what, for a reason, having fun. woohooo! Heard tomorrow's forecast is sleet. gotta make the best out of today's snow!!